Tomorrow should be an interesting day to watch the stock market.
10/14/2019 has date numerology of 24, 36, 63 and leaves 78 days left in the year.

Scottish Rite=78.


Wall=24, 48, 60.

Donald Trump=48, 60. From 6/14 to 10/14 it’s 4 months and from 10/14 to 6/14 its 8 months like 48.

Wall Street=36, 45, 63. Trump is the 45th president.

From Trumps birthday on 6/14 to 10/14 is 123 days.


10/14 is like 114.
President of The United States=114.

From 10/14 to 11/9 the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall its 27 days.

Ritual=27, 45.

10/14/2019 is a Monday.


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