
Showing posts from October 20, 2019
Today is 10/22/2019 and we have a shooting at the Ridgeway High School in Santa Rosa, California “police say”. Again, this is synced perfectly with California governor Gavin Newsom. 10/22/2019 has date numerology of 44, 51 and leaves 70 days left in the year. Shooting=44. Police Say=51. Ridgeway High=70, 119. Fraternal Order of Police=119. Chain of Command=70, 119. Gavin Christopher Newsom=119. Ridgway High School=101 the 26 th prime, 191 the 43 rd prime. Newsom=26.  Masonic=43, 74. Ridgway high=74. Ridgway=42, 39, 102. Police=102. Masonry=42, 39, 105. Police Say=42, 105. Forty-Two=142. Gavin Newsome=52, 142. Ridgway High=52. From California governor Gavin Newsome’s birthday on 10/10 to the shooting today on 10/22 is 12 days and the 12 th prime number is 37. Shooting=37, 53. Gavin=53. Santa Rosa=27, 45. Ritual=...
Why do pianos have 88 keys, 52 white and 36 black? Beast=88. Kabbalah=52. Gematria=52. The 36 th triangular number is 666 connecting to the number of the beast as well as Saturn and time. 88 is four circles and there’s 360 degrees in each circle. 4x360=1440 like how there is 1440 minutes in a day and if you take off the 0 you have 144. Time=20, 47, 61, 144. Saturn is the keeper of time. Beast=20, 47. Kabbalah=20, 61. God=26, 55, 61. The Beast=26, 55. Satan=55. Pianos have been used for hundreds of years, mostly for classical music. Classic=21, 66, 216. 6x6x6=216. Saturn=21, 69. Number of The Beast=66. Isopsephy=69, 666. How do you play a piano? Fingers=666.    
 The Houston Astros beat the New York Yankees to go to the World Series on 10/19/2019 a date with 41 numerology. From 10/19 to the anniversary of George H. W. Bush’s death on 11/30 is 1 month 12 days like 112. Houston=41, 112. Skull And Bones=41. Yankees even had 4 runs off 10 hits like 41. Abrahamic Religions=115, 322. This was the 115 th World Series and 322 is the number of Skull And Bones. 10/19 is like 119. Ancient Mystery Religions=119, 322. All Seeing Eye=119. Think of Saturn/Satan. New York=666. The Astros won in game 6 with 6 hits off 6 runs for a big 666 tribute. 6 runs off 6 hits is also like 66. Number of The Beast=66. Beast=47 and 10/19 is 4 months 7 days after the Toronto Raptors won the NBA Championship on 13/6 with a 666 tribute as well, the Raptors won in game 6 in Toronto which is known as the 6, keeping the Warriors at 6 championships. From 13/6 to 10/19 is also 129 day...