
Showing posts from October 6, 2019
Yesterday on 10/11/2019 4 people were supposedly injured in a stabbing in Manchester UK, and today, 10/12/2019 we have a story about 4 dead and 3 injured at “some sort of social club” in Brooklyn, New York. In Mandarin Chinese the word “four” and “death” are pronounced the same way. The name of the place is Triple A Aces, it’s right there in the picture but CNN still has to say “some sort of social club”. They Say 4 dead and 3 injured like 43. Masonic=43. Killing=43. 10/12/2019 has 22, 34, 61 date numerology and leaves 80 days left in the year. Cuomo=22. Andrew Cuomo is 61 years old and we’ll get to him in a sec. Murder=34. Death=34. Tragedy=80, 37, 109. Some Sort of Social Club=80, 107, 118. Death=118. Shooting=37, 44, 46, 107, 109. Brian=37, 44. Brian Magoolaghan is the dipshit New York police spokesman. T...
What are the odds that while I’m listening to a metal song, which I very rarely listen to metal, I’m playing the song Unsainted by Slipknot and I get a call on the house with a number that starts with 666? Notice the time of the call is 2:53, 2+5+3=10. Unsainted=35, 55. Satan=10, 35, 55. Slipknot=35. God=10, 55. The Number of The Beast is 666 and the area code for the call is 317 and 317 is the 66 th prime number. Number of The Beast=66.
Rip Taylor just died today, 10/6/2019 after suffering a seizue. Rip Taylor and his death connects perfectly to Jackass star Johnny Knoxville. Rip Taylor’s full name is Charles Elmer Taylor Jr. and Johnny Knoxville’s real name is Philip John Clapp. 10/6/2019 has date numerology of 55, 28 and leaves 86 days left in the year. Sacrifice=55. Rip Taylor=55. Jackass=28. Kill=28. Blood Sacrifice=86, 257 the 55th prime. Charles Taylor=86. Seizure=86, 103. Charles Elmer Taylor Jr.=103. Rip Taylor was born on 1/13/1935 and Johnny Knoxville was born 3/11/1971 and from 1/13 to 3/11 its 58 days. Charles Taylor=58. Freemasonry=58. From Johnny Knoxville’s birthday on 3/11 to 10/6 is a full span of 210 days. Charles Elmer Taylor=84, 210. Rip Taylor died at age 84. Johnny Knoxville=210. Philip John Clapp=84. Rip Taylor=53. Philip Clapp=53. Jackass=53. Confetti=38, 43. ...