Peter Fonda has died at age 79 on 8/16/2019, 174 days after his 2/23 birthday. Peter Henry Fonda=174. Murder=79. 8/16/2019 is the 228 th day of the year and has 27, 43 numerology. Death=228. Ritual=27. 191 is the 43 rd prime number and from his date of death to his next birthday is 191 days. Masonic=43. Killing=43. Easy Rider=50, 58, 59, 104, 139. Peter Fonda=50, 104. Freemasonry=58, 59, 139. Easy Rider came out in ’69 and is 95 minutes long. Peter Henry Fonda=69. Fonda=95.
Showing posts from August 11, 2019
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Thank you Zach for finding the other Golden Gate. The Golden Gate is in Kinmen County, China aka Quemoy. Kinmen=33, 66, 96, 134. Quemoy=33, 66, 96. Kinmen County/Golden Gate is on the 118th meridian as well. Taiwan=68, 94. (68 and 9/11????). 94 like 9/4? September 4 th 2019 is the day leaving 118 days left in the year. The Reuters article was last updated on 11/5/2015 and from then to 9/4/2019 is 3 years 10 months like 310( please check out Dan Behrednt’s work on 310 ) or 46 months exactly, or 1400 days like 14. Hong Kong=46. Riot=46. Chaos=46. Big news today with all of this and today being the day leaving 140 days left in the year.