The fuck is going on with this bullshit? Pointing out things that don’t add up is considered hate speech? Questioning this, that, the other is hate speech?

If Noah Pozner actually died at Sandy Hook, why was his EXACT picture used in Pakistan?
The only HATE I have is that you fucking pieces of shit keep perpetuating your hate and brainwashing everyone else into your complete bullshit. Live and let live you fucking hateful, evil, pedophile pieces of shit! The Babylonian Talmud you evil pieces of shit worship and say isn't evil states its ok for you fuckers to have sex with children under the age of 3 years 1 day sounds ok to you? 
I've had a lot of Jewish friends growing up and throughout my life, and I don't hate on Jews, Christians, Muslims. I hate on the pieces of shit that use religion as a tool to fuck everyone over and control people.
Religion is evil Satanic shit! Christian, Jewish, Muslim. All of the three Abrahamic religions are EVIL! WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Educate yourselves and stop letting these pieces of shit lie to you and trick you into their bullshit, just educate yourself as best you can and ask for help when you need it and we work together and end this fucking tyranny!

Is it ani-semitic to say that the media and politicians are the biggest antisemites on the planet? Just look at the definition.

Afro-Asiatic people using languages including Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabi, Amhiric are all Semites? SO then all black and middle eastern people should be referred to as Semites as well. So the biggest anti-Semitic pieces of shit on the planet are the worldwide governments in cahoots with the main stream media reporting bullshit to brainwash everyone into hating on the real Semites. Plain and simple, there is nobody out there more anti-semitic and hateful than the pieces of shit in charge, the ones controlling the media, the banks, the government, Hollywood, WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!


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