The movie Pearl Harbor was released on May 25 in 2001, 110 days before 9/11/2001. President=110. Osama Bin Laden=110. The Twin Towers were 110 stories tall. Minnesota=110 and Josh Hartnett was born in St. Paul, Minnesota. With the death of Qasem Soleimani on 1/3/2020 there are major 9/11 tributes and from the release of the movie Midway, which came out on November 8 th in 2019. From 11/8/2019 to 1/3/2019 its 56 days. President=56. U.S. Government=56. U.S. Embassy=56. Midway=75. Pearl Harbor=75. Order=75. New World Order=75. World War III=75. Since 9/11 was 110 days after the release of Pearl Harbor, 110 days after the release of Midway brings us to 2/26/2020. The ’93 World Trade Center bombing happened on 2/26/1993. Qasem Soleimani=62, 226. Pearl Harbor has a 6.2 rating. Mason=62. Sacrifice=62. Qasem Soleimani died at age 62. Midway has a 6.9 rating ...
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