10/17/2019 Today we have the death of Elijah Cummings at age 68 during the time of the Trump impeachment inquiry and Elijah Cummings is one of the big name puppets involved.
Donald John Trump=68 like the age Elijah died at.

10/17/2019 has date numerology of 46, 21.


Elijah Cummings=144.

Time=144. Saturn is the keeper of time.

Saturn=21, 93.

Elijah Cummings was born 1/18/1951 and from his date of death 10/17 to his next birthday its 93 days.

Death=118 like his birthday being on 1/18.

Elijah Eugene Cummings=93, 114.

President of The United States=114.

He was the Chair of the House Oversight Committee.
House Oversight Committee=114, 138.

Donald Trump=138.


He died on 10/17 which is like 117.
Elijah=27, 45, 117. 10/17/2019 has 27 date numerology. 10+17=27.

Cummings=45, 99, 117.

Ritual=27, 45, 81.

Elijah Cummings=81.

The United States of America=99, 117, 144(Time=144).

With all the America numbers popping up, if you go from the birthday of the nation on 7/4 to 10/17 its 105 days.

Elijah Eugene Cummings=105.


From Trumps birthday on 6/14 to his death on 10/17 its 125 days.
There are 125 degrees of spiritual advancement in Kabbalah.

Spiritual=44, 53, 64, 125, 118 like death and his 1/18 birthday.

Kill=44, 64.

The 53rd prime number is 241 and from his date of death to Trumps next birthday on 6/14/2020 its 241 days.


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