A great caller on Zach’s live stream mentioned that the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge equals 118 and there are some other great connections as well.
San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge=118, 253 the 22nd triangular number.

Oakland=22, 58, 131.

8/11/2019 has date numerology of 22, 58.

Oakland Bay Bridge=131, 68.

San Francisco=68.

The San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge opened on November 12th in 1936, the same year as the Hoover Dam opening on March 11th.

11/12/1936 was 82 years ago.
Tisha B’Av=82, 53.

The 53 year old mayor of Oakland is Libby Schaaf, and her full name is Elizabeth Beckman Schaaf. She has the same birthday as the opening of the bridge, November 12th.

Elizabeth Beckman Schaaf=122, 175. The first Masonic lodge was opened in England in 1717 on June 24th, the 175th day of the year.

San Francisco=122.

Elizabeth Schaaf=81.


Golden Gate Bridge=81.

Libby Schaaf=43, 52, 74, 88, 209 like 29.

Schaaf=43, 29.



Masonic=29, 43, 74.

Killing=, 43, 74.

Messiah=29, 43, 52, 74.

Trump=29, 88.

From 8/11/2019 to Libby Schaaf’s birthday is 93 days or a full span of 94.

Saturn=93. Saturn is the keeper of time and the sum of divisors of 94 equals 144.


Oakland Bay Bridge=94.

Whatever happens on 8/11/2019 might possibly take out the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge.


  1. AND HOOVER DAM! That has come up several times with links to it. Statue of Liberty, also, and London Bridge. Now, think about all the fires this year and last year, a recurring theme as of late, and think of London Bridge "falling down" and the fire that caused it. Hoover Dam is significant this year. Furthermore, Seattle and Minnesota are repeat themes this year in the news. Maybe we could get ahead of the news and find out what important events, buildings, statues, or people could be connected to 8/11 or 11/8. Do you feel Schaaf will be sacrificed?

  2. In regard to bridges, many more are going this year. See your April 10 post about Planet of the Apes. https://twentysevendecoding.blogspot.com/2019/04/we-have-another-movie-connecting-to.html?view=magazine

    In connection, see this: https://thebsdetectordaily.blogspot.com/search/label/Triborough%20Bridge

    Also, see this post of yours from March: https://twentysevendecoding.blogspot.com/2019/03/heres-some-interesting-connections.html?view=magazine

    and this post of yours from January 6 regarding Tical 2000: Judgment Day and Cyborg with Jean-Claude Van Damme. Notice the bridge and Statue of Liberty. I have seen the two (bridge and Liberty) pictured together elsewhere, as well, which leads me to believe the post by the other blogger about Triborough Bridge. https://twentysevendecoding.blogspot.com/2019/01/with-8112019-being-big-day-were-looking.html?showComment=1555640381520

    Also note the bloggers blog on Oroville Dam, although I believe his dates are wrong. https://thebsdetectordaily.blogspot.com/search/label/Gold%20Country


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