With all the meteor stories in recent months (search my blog), it’s amazing I didn’t catch this before with the Trackdown episode titled The End of The World where a man named Trump comes to town saying he’ll save everyone by building a wall. Trump claims that a meteor is going to strike, or get very close and create a major disaster.
He says this at just about the 5 minute mark.
He says in the episode that the date is November 14th and I found that Leonids, which are meteors, are seen around November 17th or 18th, and it will be November 18th of 2019 when this meteor shower will happen.

Leonids=33, 39, 42, 78, 111, 666, 218, 122. (New York=111/666)

Masonry=33, 39, 42.


Scottish Rite=78.

9/11 leaves 111 days left in the year, and 8/11/2019 looks to be the next 911. Tisha B’Av=911 and 8/10 and 8/11 of 2019 is the next Tisha B’Av.

San Francisco=122, 76. 


Meteor Strike=76, 210.

San Francisco, California=210.

From 8/11/2019 to 11/18/2019 is 14 weeks 2 days like 142.

8/11/2019 leaves 142 days left in the year.

8/11/2019 is the 223rd day of the year.
Leonid Meteor Shower=223.
11/18/2019 is just the opposite at the 322nd day of the year.

The Trackdown episode, The End of The World aired on 5/9/1958. 5/9 like 59.

(Check out the 9.0 rating. Sum 1-9 together and you get 45. Trump is the 45th president.)

Meteor Strike=59.


The date can also be written 9/5 like 95.
President Donald Trump=95 and from May 9th to August 11th is 95 days.

From May 9th to August 11th is also 3 months 3 days like 33 or 13 weeks 4 days like 134.
False Flag=33.

Tisha B'Av=134.

The character Walter Trump is played by Lawrence Dobkin and from Donald Trump birthday on June 14th to Lawrence Dobkins birthday on September 16th is exactly the same as from May 9th to August 11th.

From Donald Trumps birthday to Lawrence Dobkins date of death on October 28th is 137 days.
137 is the 33rd prime number.


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