The drawing up of Israel on 9/3/1947 is know as the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine. And this is syncing up with 8/11/2019, the big date we’re watching out for. 

The partition plan was voted in with 33 votes.
9/3/1947 has date numerology of 33 and leaves 119 days left in the year.

From 9/3/1947 to 8/11/2019 is 71 years 11 months 8 days. 

Seventy One=45, 126, 144.


Golden gate=45.

It’s 119 days from Palm Sunday on 14/4 of 2019 to 8/11/2019. 
Palm Sunday=45, 126, 144.

Chai=18, 126.

Golden gate=180.

Palm Sunday is where Jesus made his triumphant return to Jerusalem and entered the temple by passing through the Golden Gate, and this in Mark 11, 8-11.
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine=223, 470. This happened in the year ’47.

8/11/2019 is the 223rd day of the year.


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