Amy Klobuchar has now announced she’s running for president
on 2/10/2019. From today to her birthday on May 25th is a full span
of 105 days, 15 weeks exactly, or 3 months 2 weeks 2 days like 322.
The 15th prime number is 47.
President=47, 133.
Government=47, 133.
This article was published at 1:33pm.
Minnesota=47, 133, 110.
Golden Gate Bridge Collapse=110.
322 is the big number for Yale’s Skull and Bones. Amy Klobuchar went to Yale.
Ancient Mystery Religions=133, 322.
Abrahamic religions=322.
2/10/2019 is the 41st day of the year and has
date numerology of 13 and 15.
She gave her announcement speech on Boom Island which is on the Mississippi river.
Boom Island=41.
Amy was born in Plymouth, Minnesota.
Boom Island=41.
Amy was born in Plymouth, Minnesota.
Plymouth=41, 130.
Skull And Bones=41 the 13th prime number.
Amy Klobuchar=130, 77, 49.
Judaism=77, 49.
Zionist=77, 49, 41.
Amy Klobuchar is 58 years old and she’ll be up against Trump
who was given the 58th presidential election and announced his
running for president from the 58 story Trump tower hotel.
Boom Island=58.
8/11/2019 has date numerology of 58.
In her announcement speech from BOOM Island she mentions the Minnesota bridge collapse from 8/1/2007 at about 6 minutes into the speech.
8/1 like 81.
Golden Gate Bridge=81, 135.
It was the I=35 Bridge that collapsed.
From today's speech to the big date we're looking at for the Golden Gate Bridge on 8/11/2019 is exactly 26 weeks.
Boom Island=58.
8/11/2019 has date numerology of 58.
In her announcement speech from BOOM Island she mentions the Minnesota bridge collapse from 8/1/2007 at about 6 minutes into the speech.
8/1 like 81.
Golden Gate Bridge=81, 135.
It was the I=35 Bridge that collapsed.
From today's speech to the big date we're looking at for the Golden Gate Bridge on 8/11/2019 is exactly 26 weeks.
Amy Jean Klobuchar=101 the 26th prime number.
From today to 8/11/2019 is also 6 months 1 day like 61.
Amy Jean Klobuchar=61.
With her speech being on BOOM Island it makes me think about the movie Escape From L.A. where in the intro they mention a 9.6 earthquake hitting on 8/23/2000.
Escape From L.A.=210.
San Francisco, California=210
From 8/23/2000 to 8/11/2019 is 227 months 19 days.
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemason=227 and we're in the year '19.
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