Was Cypress Hill III: Temples of Boom predictive programming for the building of the third temple and with Acts 7:6 and 7:7? 400 years? Cypress Hill III: Temples of Boom=140, 148, 157, 400. Washington=140. Donald J. Trump=148. 157 is the 37 th primes, ‘Virus’=37. Cypress Hill=56, 74, 61, 70, 146, 151. Coronavirus=56, 65, 70. Year of The Rat=61, 65, 74. Friday the 13 th =56, 61, 74. Trump, who was born on 14/6 like 146 declared a national emergency on Friday 3/13/2020. Pandemic=43, 65, 151. Acts Seven Six=43, 70, 74. Acts Seven Seven=47, 74. Acts=29, 43, 65. Cypress Hill III: Temples of Boom was released on 10/31/1995 which leaves 61 days in the year and has numerology of 155, 65, 29, 136. Coronavirus=155. Stock Market=37, 136. From the release of the album to the first US case of Coronavirus in Seattle on 1/21/2020 is 24 years 82 days. Wall=24. Recently...
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