On 3/16/2020 Arnold Schwarzenegger put out a PSA for everyone to stay home because of Coronvirus, especially if they are over 65 years old and looks at all the 65’s in the article. He did the PSA with his pets Whiskey the pony and Lulu the donkey.



Arnold’s birthday on 7/30/2020 is 136 days after this article was written on 3/16/2020, or a full span of 137 the 33rd prime number.

Stock Market=136. 136 is the 16th triangular number.


Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger=126, 135, 144.

Kobe Bean Bryant=135 and died on 1/26.

Governator=135. Arnold is in the movie Maggie which is 1 hour 35 minutes. More on that later.

Wall Street=135.

The Key of David=72, 135 which is about Jesus’ spoken word being brought to the church of Philadelphia. Arnold is 72 years old right now.

The United States of America=144.


Jesuit Order=72, 144.

Arnold A. Schwarzenegger=107, 109, 118, 224, 343.

Military=107, 109.

Death=118. After Kobe and his daughters supposed death they had the memorial on 2/24.


343 factors 7x7x7 and Donald Trump was 70 years 7 months and 7 days old on his inauguration.

Order Out of Chaos=777.

Arnold Schwarzenegger=106, 101, 110, 223, 317. 3/17 is 9/11 on the 13 moon calendar.

Prophecy=106, 110.

Philadelphia=101 the 26th prime, 223. Kobe was born in Philadelphia and died on the 26th. The book of revelation is the book of prophecy where it talks about the church of Philadelphia.

President=110. The Twin Towers were 110 stories tall.


Schwarzenegger=78, 87, 66, 75, 159.

Scottish Rite=75, 78, 87, 159.


Lulu=66, 440.

The Governator=66, 75, 183.

New World Order=75.

Order Out of Chaos=75, 78, 87, 183.

Arnold=28, 35, 64.

Kill=28, 44, 64.

China=28, 37, 35, 100.

Whiskey=37, 46, 35, 44, 89, 100.

Virus=35, 37, 46, 89.

Stock Market=37, 46.

In 2015 Arnold was in the movie Maggie which is about a viral outbreak that turns people into zombies, including Arnolds daughter in the movie.

Maggie=33, 30, 42, 120.

Corona=30, 33.

Masonry=33, 42.



Maggie was released on 5/8/2015, and IMDB gives Maggie a 5.6 rating.
Maggie Vogel=58, 103.

Coronavirus Pandemic=103.

Coronavirus=56, 142.

From the day Coronavirus was declared a worldwide pandemic on 3/11/2020 to Arnolds birthday on 7/30/2020 is 142 days. 7/30/2020 is also the second day of Tisha B’Av this year.

7/30/2020 is the 212th day of the year(Kobe Bryant supposedly weighed 212lbs. and 212 is the New York area code), leaving 154 days in the year with 77, 41, 14, 57, 37 numerology. 9/11/2001 was on a date with 41 numerology and remember all the 77’s with 9/11.

Ritual Sacrifice=154.

Scottish Rite=57.

Wade Vogel=41, 94, 149. Wade Vogel is Arnold character in Maggie.

Coronavirus Pandemic=94.


Wade=15, 21, 33, 75. 21 like Event 201? 

Kobe=15, 21, 33, 75.

Order=33, 75.

Vogel=25, 20, 61, 74. Kurt Vogel Russell played Elvis in Forrest Gump.
http://twentysevendecoding.blogspot.com/2020/04/thank-you-to-great-caller-from.html  (Schwarzenvirus=82, 206. Seattle=82 and is the 206 area code, HA!).

Death=20, 25. Here we are in 2020.

Time=20, 25, 61.

Year of the Rat=61.



Since Arnold played Wade Vogel in Maggie and Kurt Vogel Russell played the king, Elvis Presley in Forrest Gump maybe this will tie in with the death of Queen Elizabeth who can’t be too far off from dying.
Arnold Schwarzenegger=1926. Queen Elizabeth was born on 4/21/ 1926.

Queen Elizabeth II began her reign on 2/6/1952. And her coronation was on 6/2/1953, which that date can also be written 2/6.
Queen=26, 19, 62. Covid-19? 

Bryant=26. Kobe died on the 26th

Queen Elizabeth II=87, 168.

Elvis A. Presley=78, 168. Scottish Rite=78, 87.

Queen Elizabeth=66.



From Elvis’ birthday on 1/8/2020 to the Queen’s birthday on 4/21/2020 is 104 days.

Total Solar Eclipse=104. Kobe died 888 after the total solar eclipse on 8/21/2017.

From the Queen’s birthday on 4/21/2020 to the anniversary of Elvis’ death on 8/16/2020 is 118 days.


Arnold A. Schwarzenegger=118 and Arnold is obviously the king of action movies.


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