Thank you to the great caller from Switzerland on Zach’s
radio show the other night, and it’s perfect that Zach goes to that caller at
exactly 37:37 in the show since ‘virus’=37.
The caller from Switzerland said that Elvis Presley was
vaccinated for polio on live TV during a concert on Bill Gates 1st
birthday on October 28th 1956.
Tom Hanks was also born in ’56.
Coronavirus=56. Tom Hanks was born in ’56.
Thomas Jeffrey Hanks=78, 93, 96.
Wuhan Coronavirus=78, 93.
Tom Hanks=101 the 26th prime.
Virus=26, 37.
Hanks=26, 37, 53, 82, 149.
Tisha B’Av=37, 53, 82.
Thomas=22, 32, 41, 76, 86.
Wuhan=22, 32, 67, 68.
Tom=15, 33.
Kobe=15, 33.
Tom Hanks was in the movie Inferno which came out in 2016
and 2 hours 1 minute like Event 201. Inferno is about a billionaire wanting to
depopulate the planet using a virus, Bill gates is a billionaire that’s talked
for decades about depopulating the planet with vaccinations. Inferno was released on Bill gates
Birthday. Tom Hanks posted his Corona typewriter pic on Instagram saying his
wife beat him by 201 points in Gin Rummy. Inferno was released on Bill Gates birthday as well.
Tom Hanks was in Sleepless In Seattle and the first supposed
case of Coronavirus in the US was in Seattle.
Tom Hanks was in the movie Larry Crowne, Corona means crown
in Spanish and Tom Hanks nickname in Larry Crowne is Lance Corona.
The great caller from Switzerland pointed out that Elvis was
vaccinated on live TV on Bill Gates birthday (the Bill and Melinda Gates
foundation is all about vaccines, claiming they will eradicate polio in Africa
with their vaccines).
Tom Hanks was in the movie Forrest Gump where as a child he
wore leg braces like kids with polio because he didn’t have polio but his back
was “as crooked as a politician”. Forrest Gump taught Elvis Presley how to
dance in the movie as well. Forrest Gump even played against China in the
Olympics in ping-pong and of course Coronavirus is supposedly from Wuhan,
Forrest Gump is 2 hours 22 minutes.
Wuhan Coronavirus=222.
Order Out of Chaos=222.
Forrest Gump was released on July 6th which can
be written 6/7.
July 6th is little Georgie W. Bush’s birthday and
his piece of shit father died days after Trump pardoned two turkeys for
Thanksgiving(which was on 11/22 the anniversary of the JFK assassination), and named those turkeys Peas and Carrots like how in Forrest Gump
Tom Hanks says “me and Jenny was like peas and carrots”.
George H. W. Bush died at age 94, Forrest Gump was released
in ’94.
Coronavirus Pandemic=94.
IMDB gives Forrest Gump and 8.8 rating.
Forrest Gump=58, 59, 139, 158.
Freemasonry=58, 59, 139, 158.
Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, 1935. 1/8
like 18 and Event 201 was on October 18th and simulated a
Coronavirus outbreak lasting 18 months. He died in ’77 and think about all the
77’s with 9/11 and how Coronavirus is the new 9/11.
Elvis Presley=77, 67, 157 the 37th prime.
Wuhan=22, 67, 68.
Elvis=22, 67, 68.
Polio=67, 68.
Virus=37, 46, 89.
Presley=37, 46, 89, 100, 660.
In Forrest Gump the person who played Elvis Presley was
uncredited but is a huge Hollywood star, Kurt Russell, who’s also in the movie
Big Trouble In Little CHINA.
John Carpenter directed that movie just like he also
directed They Live.
Kurt Russell was born on March 17th, St.
Patrick’s Day! Search my blog for all my work on St. Patrick’s Day connecting
to 9/11 since 3/17 is 9/11 on the 13 moon calendar.
Kurt Vogel Russell=66, 96, 237.
Corona=66, 96.
Minneapolis, Minnesota=237, Coronavirus is the next 9/11 and
from the Twin Towers to the Twin Cities what can we expect in Minnesota?
Kurt V. Russell=45, 63, 81, 126.
Wall Street=45, 63.
Kobe Bean Bryant=81 and died on 1/26.
Kurt Russell=41, 121. First supposed US care of Coronavirus
was on 1/21/2020.
Kobe Bryant=41 and died at age 41, 888 days after the total
solar eclipse on 8/21/2017.
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