Today is Friday The 13th and we have more stupid headlines about the common cold, Coronavirus.
The Dow is at risk of having it’s worst week in it’s 124 year history?

The above article was published at 12:12am? Like how 'patient zero' was on 12/12/2019?
Friday The 13th=56, 74, 124, 173 the 40th prime.



America Is On Hold=74, 88, 146, 400.

Trump=88 and his birthday is 14/6.

Wuhan 400 is putting America on hold??

3/13/2020 has date numerology of 56 like ‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Friday The 13th’.

Today’s date can be written 13/3 and from today to Trumps birthday is 13 weeks 3 days, or 94 days.



White House=133.


Coronavirus Pandemic=94.

The sum of divisors of 94 equals 144.

Jesuit Order=144.


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