Actor Max Von Sydow(Psy-op, Dow Jones?) has died at the age of 90 on 3/8/2020 and he starred in Game of Thrones which I just blogged about the same day as his death in relation to Coronavirus and the toilet paper shortage.

In addition to Game of Thrones, Max Von Sydow was also in the movie awakenings which came out on 1/11/1991 and is about victims of an “encephalitis epidemic” and offering a new drug to wake the victims from their catatonic like state. This is just like whats going on with the Coronavirus and possibly a new vaccination being put out.

Awakenings is 2 hours 1 minute like Event 201, or 121 minutes like the first Coronavirus case in the US on 1/21/2020.

Encephalitis Epidemic=121.


Awakenings=41, 166.

Max Von Sydow was born on 4/10/1929, 4/10 like 41.
Kobe Bryant=41 and died at age 41 and is connected with Coronavirus and the stock market. Covid translates to Kobe in Hebrew.

St. Patrick’s Day=166.

Monetary System=166.

Annuit Coeptis=166.

Max=38. He died on 3/8, the 68th day of the year.



Von Sydow=38, 137 the 33rd prime.

Max Von Sydow died 33 days before his 91st birthday on 4/10/2020.

Ninety=33. He died at age 90.

From the release of Awakenings on 1/11/1991 to TIsha B’Av on 7/29/2020 is 29 years 201 days like Event 201. 29 = 2+9=11. His death is on 3/8, 3+8=11.

Max=11 and 9/11 leaves 111 days left in the year like Awakenings release on 1/11.

9/11/2020 is 187 days or a full span of 188 days after Max Von Sydow died on 3/8/2020.

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=187.

Bavarian Illuminati=188.

From Event 201 on 10/18/2020 to Max Von Sydow’s death on 3/8/2020 is 142 days.


3/8/3030 is 87 days after “patient zero” on 12/12/2019.

Ninety=87. He died at age 90.

Awakenings premiere was on 12/12/1990 like “patient zero” on 12/12/2019.


Coronavirus=1303 like 331 backwords.


Encephalitis Epidemic=113.


Kobe Bryant=113.


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