Today is 10/22/2019 and we have a shooting at the Ridgeway High School in Santa Rosa, California “police say”. Again, this is synced perfectly with California governor Gavin Newsom.

10/22/2019 has date numerology of 44, 51 and leaves 70 days left in the year.


Police Say=51.

Ridgeway High=70, 119.

Fraternal Order of Police=119.

Chain of Command=70, 119.

Gavin Christopher Newsom=119.

Ridgway High School=101 the 26th prime, 191 the 43rd prime.


Masonic=43, 74.

Ridgway high=74.

Ridgway=42, 39, 102.


Masonry=42, 39, 105.

Police Say=42, 105.


Gavin Newsome=52, 142.

Ridgway High=52.

From California governor Gavin Newsome’s birthday on 10/10 to the shooting today on 10/22 is 12 days and the 12th prime number is 37.

Shooting=37, 53.


Santa Rosa=27, 45.

Ritual=27, 45.


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