Why do pianos have 88 keys, 52 white and 36 black?



The 36th triangular number is 666 connecting to the number of the beast as well as Saturn and time. 88 is four circles and there’s 360 degrees in each circle. 4x360=1440 like how there is 1440 minutes in a day and if you take off the 0 you have 144.

Time=20, 47, 61, 144. Saturn is the keeper of time.

Beast=20, 47.

Kabbalah=20, 61.

God=26, 55, 61.

The Beast=26, 55.


Pianos have been used for hundreds of years, mostly for classical music.
Classic=21, 66, 216. 6x6x6=216.

Saturn=21, 69.

Number of The Beast=66.

Isopsephy=69, 666.

How do you play a piano?


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