The ‘chaos’ and riots in China are front and center again today, 8/13/2019, as well as more “tariff” news connecting with the stock market.


August 13th can be written 13/8 like 138.
Federal=138, 33.

8/13/2019 has date numerology of 60, 33, 40.

Tariff=60, 33.

Police=60, 33.

Order=60, 33.


8/13 is 60 days after Trumps birthday on 14/6.

Hong Kong=26, 46.

Riot=26, 46.

Chaos=26, 46.



Trump says he hope the Hong Kong situation works out “for liberty”????
For Liberty=58, 59, 140. Today leaves 140 days left in the year.

Freemasonry=58, 59.

Riot Police=58, 59, 148. 

Donald J. Trump=148.


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