On 6/19/2019 the Jerusalem Post put out an article with Benjamin Netanyahu saying “We Have Power To Destroy, Do Not Test Us”.
6/19/2019 has date numerology of  64, 37, 28, 44.

Israel=28, 37, 44, 64.

Kill=44, 64.

From Benjamin Netayahu’s birthday on 10/21 to 6/19 is 241 days, 241 is the 53rd prime number.

Tisha B’Av=28, 37, 53, 62, 134. This article was put out 53 days before 8/11/2019, Tisha B’Av.

Netanyahu=37, 44, 53, 134.

Do Not Test Us=37, 62, 125.

From 6/19 to Benjamin Netanyahu’s birthday is a full span of 125 days.

We Have Power To Destroy, Do Not Test Us=139, 158.

Freemasonry=139, 158.

We Have Power To Destroy=102.

World War=102.

San Francisco=102.

Benjamin Netanyahu=69, 93, 102 and he is 69 years old.

False Flag=69.

Saturn=69, 93.

Israel’s border was drawn up on 9/3. ’93 World Trade Center bombing, flight 93 on 9/11……


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