Death of actor Sonny Landham from Predator and 48 hours.
He was born on 2/11/1941 and died 8/17/2017 at age 76.
Blood Sacrifice=67, 76.

Sonny Landham=67.

8/17/2017 has date numerology of 62, 26 and leaves 136 days left in the year.


Landham=26, 136.

From 2/11 to 8/17 is 187 days, the homicide number.

Washington D.C.=187, think about the Washington Redskins, Sonny Landham was Native American.

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=187.

Washington D.C.=56.

American Indian=263 the 56th prime number.

8/17 is the 229th days of the year, 229 is the 50th prime number.

Washington=50, 58, 59, 140.

Sonny Landham=50, 58, 59, 140.


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