Today is 10/27/2019 and the media is reporting on the death of Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi on 10/26/2019.
They say he was 47 or 48 years old, my guess is 48.

10/26/2019 has date numerology of 75, 48. 

Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi=57, 84, just the opposite of 75, 48.

His death comes a full span 1 month 16 days after the anniversary of 911, or just 46 days. 116 is 911 upside down.


10/26/2019 is 134 days after Trumps birthday on 6/14/2019.

Tisha B’Av=134.

From the last day of Tisha B’Av on 8/11 to 10/27 is 2 months 16 days like 216 or 77 days and remember all the 77’s with 9/11/2001.

6x6x6=216, 666 is the number of the beast.
10/26/2019 has date numerology of 36 and leaves 66 days left in the year and 666 is the 36th triangular number.
Number of The Beast=66.

The reverse of 216 is 612 and from the day the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Notre Dame cathedral burned down on 4/15/2019 to 10/27/2019 is 6 months 12 days.

Police=612. Remember that from the 6/12/2016 Pulse nightclub shooting to the Parkland shooting on 2/14/2018 was 612 days, Valentine=612, Columbine High School=612, Orlando Strong=612.

216 days after 10/26/2019 is 5/29/2020 the day leaving 216 days left in the year.


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