Yesterday on 8/2/2019 there was a cliff collapse on Grandview Beach in San Diego County in the city of Encinitas. Please search my blog for related stories about rockslides, including Dwayne The Rock Johnson and connections to 8/11/2019.
8/2/2019 has date numerology of 49, 22. 8/11/2019 has 22 date numerology as well, 22 is the master builder number. 8+1+1+2+1+1+9=22. From 8/2 to 8/11 is a full span of 10 days like 8/2 – 8+2=10.
8/2 like 82.

Tisha B’Av=82. Like 8/2.

Encinitas=49, 59, 149.

Revelation=49, 59, 149.

Freemasonry=58, 59.

Grandview=49, 50, 103.

Scottish=49, 50, 58, 103.

America=49, 50.

Grandview Beach=68, 76, 85, 122.

San Francisco=50, 68, 76, 122.

Donald John Trump=68, 76, 85. Trump was born in Manhattan.

Encinitas, California=92, 101, 182. Highway 101 goes across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Manhattan=92. Manhattan project?


Encinitas, CA=44, 53, 73.



Kill=44, 64.

Tisha B’Av=53.

San Diego County=64, 73, 206.

Sacrifice=73, 206.

San Diego=38, 47, 43, 74, 142, 206. 8/11/2019 leaves 142 days left in the year.



Collapse=38, 43.

Killing=38, 43, 74.

Masonic=38, 43, 74.

Earthquake=163 the 38th prime number.


Bridge=36, 117.

Encinitas, California is on the 117th meridian. And notice the 82ft elevation like the date 8/2.

Cliff Collapse=56, 65, 119, 232.

US Government=56, 65, 151 the 36th prime.


Donald=119 the reverse of 911.

Tisha B’Av=911 which falls on August 10th and 11th, the big dates we’re watching for.

Satan=232. A perfect match for all this red Heifer, third temple prophecy about the return of the Jewish Messiah.


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