Today is 8/2/2019 and we have another earthquake story, this time a 6.9 in Indonesia.

Todays date is 8/2 like 82. 8+2=10 and we’re a full span of 10 days from Tisha B’Av.


Tisha B’Av=82. What are the chances we get another earthquake story today relating to Tisha B’Av?

Indonesia=45, 54, 153 the 17th triangular number and it’s been 17 years since 9/11.



Baseball=54. Phillies are playing the Giants on 8/11 in San Francisco and doing a ceremonry for the Giants 1989 earthquake World Series team.

The epicenter was in the Sunda Strait.
Sunda Strait=38, 56, 79, 146, 151. Trumps birthday is 14/6 like 146.

Murder=38, 79.

Earthquake=163 the 38th prime number.

US Government=56, 65, 151.

The Sunda Strait is 65 from the city of Tugu Hilir.

Tugu Hilir=53, 55, 118 like 11/8 or 8/11 the big date we’re watching for.

Tisha B’Av=53 and Tisha B’Av falls on 8/10 and 8/11 this year.


Jakarta=55, 17, 62. Jakarta ia the capital of Indonesia and the quake was felt there as well.

Kill=17. 9/11 was 17 years ago.


God=17. Masons are playing god over us by doing this shit by the numbers. Kaballah!

Sacrifice=55, 62.

Tugu Hilir is in the province of Banten on the island of Java (Java makes me think about Java script for computers/internet which connects to Silicon Valley/San Francisco which is one of the key places we’ve been watching out for with Tisha B’Av).
Banten=20, 34, 56, 106, 188.

Death=20, 34.


Sunda Strait=56.

US Government=56.

Prophecy=106. Red Heifer prophecy and Tisha B’Av, the return of the Jewish Messiah? Revelation 6:12?

Bavarian Illuminati=188.







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