Yesterday 8/8/2019 we’re getting a story about a shooting of TWO people on a Houston freeway. This looks t be connecting t Tisha B’Av and reminds me of the I-85 freeway bridge collapse in Atlanta, Georgia on 3/30/2017.
From 3/3/0/2019 to 8/8/2019 is exactly 123 weeks.


8/8/2019 is the 220th day of the year and has date numerology of 55, 28.

Trump=88 like the date 8/8.

Donald John Trump=220.



They say the police were called at 5:55pm.
Act of Terror=58, 139, 158, 555.

Freemasonry=58, 139, 158.

Kill Goyim=50, 49, 113, 555.

America=50, 49.


This happened on a freeway in Houton, Texas.
Freeway=38, 34, 83, 106.

Murder=38, 34, 83.


Houston, Texas=46, 62, 181, 143, 1034 like 134.

Sacrifice=46, 62.


Tisha B’Av=62, 134.

181 is the 42 prime number.

Forty-Two=142 and 8/11/ leaved 142 days left in the year.

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=143.

Houston=31(like the date numerology of 8/11/2019), 40, 41, 112, 77.

From 3/30/2017 to 8/8/2019 is 861 days and 861 is the 41st triangular number.

Terror=40, 41.

USA=40, 41.

Zionist=112, 77.


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