We have a story about a cop being shot by a sniper in Lancaster, California today 8/21/2019, and they say the shooter is most likely from a mental health facility. This is obviously put out to terrorize Americans into stricter gun control with psych evaluations with “expanded background checks”.
8/21/2019 leaves 132 days left in the year and has 68, 41 and 48 date numerology.

Donald John Trump=68 and 8/21/is 68 days after Trumps 6/14 birthday.

Assassination Attempt=132.

United States of America=132.


Body Armor=48, 132.
Donald Trump=48, 60.

Lancaster=30, 60.

Police=30, 60.

Sniper=45, 81.

Ritual=45, 81.


Mental Health=119.

Fraternal Order of Police=119.

Police don't wear plated body armor, they wear 3A body armor and rifle rounds will go straight through 3A body armor.

At Any Time, At Any Place, Our Snipers Can Drop You, Have A Nice Day=230, 787 the 138th prime.


Donald Trump=138.

Keep your eye’s out for October 2nd! 10/2 like 102.




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