With Saturday Night Live making fun of Donald Trump so much while he’s been in office I found some interesting connections with him, Alec Baldwin who plays him on SNL and 9/11 to 8/11.
Donald Trump hosted SNL on 4/3/2004 and they even did a skit about 9/11.

From 4/3/2004 to 8/11/2019 is 801 weeks and 1 day like 811.

Donald=119 the reverse of 911.

Master Plan=119.

Saturday Night Live=80.


4/3/2004 is the 94th day of the year and Alec Baldwin was born on 4/3 in ’58, Donald Trump won the 58th presidential election and announced he was running from the 58 story Trump tower and hired 58 year old Steve Ray to announce his inaugeration.

Alexander Baldwin=94.


Baldwin=29, 43. Like the date 4/3 when Trump hosted SNL and Baldwin’s Birthday.

Alexander Rae Baldwin III=110, 142.


8/11/2019 is the day leaving 142 days left in the year.

Alec Baldwin=211. 

From 4/3 to Trumps birthday on 6/14 is 2 months 11 days like 211.

211 is the 47th prime number.



Master Plan=47.

From 4/3/ to 8/11 id 4 months 8 days like 48.

Donald Trump=48.

Alexander Baldwin=68.

Donald John Trump=68. And construction began for the Twin Towers in ’68.


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