Today, 6/10/2019 there was an earthquake in Ohio, a 4.0
measuring 3.1 miles in depth, just 20 miles from Cleveland in Eastlake. This is
another signal for the date we’re watching 8/11/2019.
A 4.0 measuring 3.1 miles in depth? Reading that backwards
you get 134.
Tisha B’Av=134, 28.
6/10/2019 has date numerology of 28, 55.
8/11/2019 is the day leaving 142 days left in the year and has 58 date numerology.
Eastlake Ohio=58, 68.
San Francisco=68.
From 6/10 to 8/11 is 63 days or 2 months 2 days and
8/11/2019 has date numerology of 22.
August Eleventh=63, 81.
Golden Gate Bridge=81, 135 and the video in the article is
1:35 long.
GGB=11 and they say this earthquake happened at 11am.
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