Today, 5/26/2019 there was an earthquake in Peru, hitting the city of Yurimaguas the hardest, and was an 8.0 and injured 11 people. This is definitely syncing up with 8/11/2019.

The video in the article is 1:35.

Golden Gate Bridge=135.

Yurimaguas=45, 1018. Donald Trump is the 45th president and seems to be the Jewish Messiah for this prophecy they’re playing out for Tisha B'Av on 8/11.


5/26/2019 is the 146th day of the year and Donald Trumps birthday is on 14/6.

Peru=48, 60.

Donald Trump=48, 60.

From 5/26/2019 to 8/11/2019 is 77 days.



United States=77.


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