On Zach’s radio show the other night someone in the chat mentioned the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still and how it has predictive programming for 8/11/2019 and the Golden Gate Bridge.

I’m not sure if they’re talking about the 2008 version or the original 1951 version but the original version has a lot of interesting connections.
The original version of The Day The Earth Stood Still was released on 12/25/1951 which is a date with 107 and 53 numerology.



Tisha B’Av=53.

From 12/25/1951 to 8/11/2019 is 811 months 17 days.

8/11 is the big date we’re looking out for an event similar to 9/11/2001 and it’s been 17 years since 9/11.
The Day The Earth Stood Still=122, 293 the 62nd prime number.

San Francisco=122.

Tisha B’Av=62.

In the movie a robot is sent to destroy earth and the way they shut down the robot is by saying “Klaatu Barada Nikto”.

Klaatu Barada Nikto=117, 757 the 134th prime number.

The United States of America=117.

Tisha B’Av=134.

The Director of this movie, Robert Wise, fits absolutely perfect as well.
Robert Wise=53, 62, 134

Tisha B’Av=53, 62, 134.

The remake version of the movie was released on 12/12/2008.

The United States of America=144.

Palm Sunday=144 which is about Jesus making his triumphant return to Jerusalem and entering the temple by passing through the Golden Gate.
The director of the 2008 remake is Scott Derrickson.
Derrickson=53, 62, 116, 154.

116 is 911 upsidedown.
Tisha B’Av=53, 62.

Ritual Sacrifice=154.


  1. Command noted (just in case I need to say this to a robot). Also, 12/12/2008 (the re-make release date) = 17.

  2. To sum up the movie's message: earth/environment--take care of it or be obliterated. An alien drops down to share this message, and then the alien is killed but brought back to life (which I have read somewhere is what the anti-christ is supposed to do if you believe in antichrist stuff). Also note two more things: 1. causes all electricity except to hospitals and airports and such to stop for 30 minutes 2. the elevator stops precisely at noon.


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