Yesterday 1/23/2019, we got two odd stories that don’t seem to be connected on the surface but surely are. A while back we got a story about a woman in a coma that was raped and became pregnant, yet somehow nobody knew she was pregnant till she gave birth. How is that possible? Well, yesterday the guy that supposedly reaped the woman in a coma was caught, Nathan Sutherland. You can read more about him at Zach’s blog, . Yesterday we also got the story about a man name Zephen Xaver who supposedly, for no reason whatsoever, went in to a SUNtrust bank (Sun=18, 1+2+3+2+0+1+9=18) and shot everyone inside, killing 5 people. You can Read more about that story at Zach’s blog, .
Here’s the screenshots for those two articles as well.
First is the Sebring Shooting:

And the coma rapist story:

Today 1/24/2019 CNN is updating the article about the SUNtrust bank shooting, referring to it as a QUINtuple homicide. The coma rapist story is straight out of the Quentin Tarantino movie Kill Bill,

and Quentin is releasing a movie here in 2019 called Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, which is based during the time of the Manson Family murders which killed Jay SEBRING among others.
From the day this all came out in the media, 1/23/2019 to Quentin Tarantino’s birthday on 3/27 is a full span of 64 days or 2 months 5 days like 25.



Synagogue of Satan=64.

Israel=64, 205.


They say the shooting started at 12:30pm.

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood=123.

Quentin's birthday is 63 after 1/23/2019.

Zephen Xaver=63.


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