Here’s an interesting article stating that Trumps offer for the wall is a magic bullet for America’s drug problem.

There’s the obvious magic bullet connection to JFK.
Magic Bullet=42.


The article came out on 1/19/2019 which has date numerology of 23, 32, 59.

1/19/2019 is 58 days after the anniversary of JFK’s assassination on 11/22.

Drug=23, 50, 58.

Donald=23, 50.

America=32, 50.

Drug Problem=58, 59.

Freemasonry=58, 59.

Donald Trump won the 58th presidential election.


  1. As usual, shitty news reporting, no verified information, just programmed "research says" no actual research sources provided. Trigger belief to say "researchers" or "research" and people will believe anything they read. To believe anything a journalist who writes with cliche says is naive. "Flies in the face", a sixth grader wrote that piece. Oh and the title "Magic Bullet" refers to an assassination attempt on President Trump as noted in other comments I made and the connection to Boo, the world's cutest dog (claimed by its owner). Look for Valentine's Day for an assassination attempt by Democrats, just more depravity and danger to beware.


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