Today is 11/28/2018, a perfect day for the false Jews to spread more propaganda about anti-Semitism (even though these false Jews are not Semites), and to continue the Muslim bashing to brainwash people into thinking a third world war is needed to eradicate Islam.

Today has Date numerology of 77, 57, and leaves 33 days left in the year.


Scottish Rite=57 (the most Jewish order of Freemasonry).

Holocaust=33, 42, 57.

Masonry=33, 42.

Notice they talk about a 42 year old teacher named Michal Schwartze.
Schwartze=42, 57.



At the top of the article they have the phrase ‘The word Jew was not a common insult when I went to is now’ emphasized.
The word Jew was not a common insult when I went to is now=729 which has a square root of 27.

This story is all about the bogus claims of anti-Semitism.


Bagel=27, 108.

Geometry=108 and geometry is all about measuring circles and round and round we go with all this crap in the media.

There’s plenty more to decode in this BS story if you want to yourself, but for now please excuse me while I go vomit.


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