Gilbert R. Hill who played Inspector Todd in the Beverly Hills Cop movies dies back in 2016 on February 29th at 84 years old. IMDB has his date of birth being November 6th but Wikipedia states his date of birth if November 5th.

From his last birthday to his date of death according to IMDB is a full span of 116 days, like how his birthday is 11/6 on IMDB.

Without the full span you can say he died 115 days after his birthday.


He died at age 84, and the first movie he was in, Beverly Hills Cop, came out in ’84.

Gilbert R. Hill=84.

Wikipedia states his birthday being 11/5 which would then put his date of death 116 days after his birthday. And his date of death is the 60th days of the year.


Gilbert Hill=60.

Both IMDB and Wikipedia refer to him as Gil Hill.
Gil Hill=42.

Nigger=42, 60.



February=42 (the month he died in).

There’s a lot more to this as well, but I’ll keep it short just to show how these racist pieces of trash that run things treat black people.


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