Today is 3/17/2020 which is 9/11 on the 13 moon calendar and we have Steve Mnuchin saying that Coronavirus is ‘worse than 9/11’ for the airline companies. Looks like another big bailout and economic collapse is around the corner. 

Worse Than 9/11=42, 48, 51, 57, 120, 123.

Freemason=42, 48, 51, 147.

Nine Eleven=48, 51.

Airlines=42, 51, 57.

Conspiracy=51, 57, 123, 147.

Illuminati=48, 120.

Bavarian Illuminati=188 and 3/17/2020 is 188 days after 9/11/2019.

Because it’s a leap year 3/17/2020 is the 77th day of the year. Remember all the 77’s with flight 77 on 9/11. Steve Mnuchin is the 77th Secretary of Treasury.

September Eleventh=77.

United States=77.



Twin Towers=49, 58, 59, 166.

St. Patrick’s Day=49, 166.



Monetary System=59, 77, 166.

Annuit Coeptis=58, 77, 166, 185.

Freemasonry=58, 59.

St. Patrick’s Day=185.

Donald John Trump=185.

3/17/2020 is also 26 weeks 6 days after 9/11/2019 and Pope Francis is the 266th pope. 

Steven Terner Mnuchin=113, 266.

Kobe Bryant=113.

Coronavirus Pandemic=113.

9/11 leaves 111 days left in the year.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio=111.

New York=111.

Wall Street=36, 45, 63.

St. Patrick=36, 45, 63, 126.

Kobe Bryant died on 1/26 in Calabasas, California which has 67 date numerology.


Annuit Coeptis=67.

St. Patrick’s Day=67.




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