It’s hot as hell in Antarctica!
Temperature=65, 666.

Today is 2/7/2020 and Antarctica just recorded the hottest temp ever at 65 degrees Fahrenheit, or 18.3 degrees Celsius. The coldest day ever recorded was on 7/21/1983 at -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit, or -89 degrees Celsius.

From 7/21/1983 to 2/7/2020 it’s 36 years 202 days. Article updated at 2:20pm.

7/21/1983 is the 202 day of the year leaving 163 days left in the year, 163 is the 38th prime number and 2/7/2020 is the 38th day of the year and both dates have 49, 13, numerology.

2/7/2020 also has date numerology of 29.



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