Today is 1/24/2020 and we have a story saying Democrats get final ‘shot’ at opening statement for the impeachment trial. This reminds me of the impeachment investigation being a ‘high velocity threat’ to Donald Trump on 9/28/2019. 

1/24/2019 has date numerology of 65, 29, 45, 25. Trump is the 45th president.

Washington DC=65.

Trump=25, 29.

1/24/2020 is 118 days after 9/28/2019. 

Death=25, 118.

High-Velocity Threat=118.



Trump birthday on 6/14 is 142 days after 1/24/2020.


181 is the 42nd prime.

High-Velocity=181, 55.

Shooting=37, 44, 46, 53, 107.

Impeach=37, 44, 55.

Shot=46, 62. Trump was born in ’46.

Impeachment=53, 55, 107.

9/28/2019 is 107 days after Trumps 6/14/2019 birthday.

Sacrifice=55, 62, 46.


From Trumps birthday on 6/14/2019 to 1/24/2020 is 7 months 10 days.

From 1/24/2020 to the Great Conjunction on 12/21/2020 it’s a full span of 333 days.

Super Bowl 54 is on 2/2/2020 and leaves 333 days left in the year.

From 2/2/2020 to Trumps Birthday it’s a full span of 134 days.

The ‘high-velocity threat’ article was put out at 1:34pm.
Impeach=134, 116 which is 911 upside down.

High-Velocity Threat=271 the 58th prime. Trump was given the 58th presidential election, announced his run for president from the 58 story Trump Tower(TT=2020), hired 58 year old Steve Ray to announce his inauguration…… 

Assassination=611 which is 119 upside down.




Looks like we may have a big ending to 2020.


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