Today is 1/2/2020 and there was a 4.0 earthquake off the coast of California at 2:13am, 15 miles from Port Hueneme, 60 miles west of Los Angeles according to the US Geological Survey.
Port Hueneme=49, 58, 59.

The Big One=49.


Revelation=49, 59.

Freemasonry=58, 59.

Two=58, today is the second day of the year.

This was a 4.0 earthquake.
Four=60. This was 60 miles west of Los Angeles which is the 213 area code and this happened at 2:13am.

Four Point 0=53, 134, 109.


Tisha B’Av=37, 53, 134.

Los Angeles=37, 53, 109.

Port Hueneme=157 the 37th prime.

From the last day of Tisha B’Av on 8/11/2019 to 1/2/2020 is the perfect amount of time, 144 days.


The United States of America=144.

Tisha B’Av=82.

82 years ago was 1937.
US Geological Survey=1937 and in 1937 there was a significant earthquake in southern California on March 25th at 8:49am like how “the big one”, “revelation”,  “Port Hueneme” and “America” all equal 49.

US Geological Survey=83. Could we see something happen on the 83rd anniversary of the 1937 earthquake?

From 8/11/2019 to 3/25/2020 is 227 days. 22 divided by 7 equals 3.14 for Pi.

From 3/25/2020 to Tisha B’Av on 7/29/2020 is 126 days(18 weeks) or a full span of 127.

Chai=18, 126. Chai means life in Hebrew.

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=127, 325 like the date March 25th.

3/25/1937 and 3/25/2020 has date numerology of 48.

Four=48 like how today’s earthquake was a 4.0.




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