Today is 12/16/2019 and the Prince movie Purple Rain is being put in the national film registry in Washington, D.C.
12/16/2019 has date numerology of 67, 22, 47.

Blood Sacrifice=67. Prince’s birthday is on June 7th, 6/7.

Satanic=22, 67. Tis the season of Saturnalia right now and purple is the color of Saturn.



Washington=49, 50, 58, 59, 130, 140.

Purple Rain=58, 59, 130, 140, 555. Prince was born in ’58.

Freemasonry=58, 59.

Act of Terror=58, 555. Prince warned about 9/11 in 1998.
Kill Goyim=49, 50, 130, 555.

Prince=38, 65.


Washington D.C.=65.

Prince Rogers Nelson=118, 226. Remember the World Trade Center Bombing on 2/26 in ’93.


Minneapolis, Minnesota=93 and is on the 93rd meridian.

Prince Purple Rain=93.


From August 11th(11/8) to 12/16/2019 is 127 days. Building 1,2 and 7 came down in New York on 9/11. Pearl Harbor was on 12/7 as well.

Minneapolis=127. Purple Rain was filmed at First Ave in Minneapolis.

From 12/16/2019 to the anniversary of Princes death on 4/21/2020 is 127 days.

From 12/16/2019 to Princes birthday on 6/7/2020 is 5 months 22 days like 522 or 174 days.

Prince R. Nelson=522.

New World Order=174.

From the anniversary of the release of Purple Rain on 7/27 to 12/16 its 142 days.

August 11th is the day leaving 142 days left in the year. Could this be pointing towards the next 9/11 type attack or maybe an attack on Muslims in Minnesota?


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