Today is 12/1/2019 and we have a ‘hostage situation’ in
south Minneapolis, Minnesota on the 2700 block of Oakland Avenue S. which is
near Abbott Northwestern Hospital.
12/1/2019 has date numerology of 52, 32, and leaves 30 days
left in the year.
Tim Walz=32.
Abbott Northwestern=239.
From Tim Walz’ birthday on 4/6 to 12/1 its 239 days which is
the 52nd prime.
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=127.
From 12/1 to Tim Walz’ next birthday on 4/6/2020 is 127 days
or 4 months 5 days like 45.
Oakland Avenue=45.
This happened on the 2700 block of Oakland Avenue S. and the
27th prime number is 103.
Abbott Northwestern=86, 103.
Hostage Situation=86, 103, 860.
Timothy James Walz=86.
Hostage=39, 33, 42, 114.
Police=33, 102, 147.
Masonry=33, 39, 42.
Freemason=42, 147.
Governor=39, 114, 102.
Abbott Northwestern Hospital=114, 147.
Minneapolis, Minnesota=114.
Oakland Avenue S.=46, 55.
Walz=46, 62.
Timothy Walz=55, 62.
Minneapolis=55, 62.
UPDATE:This article was published on 12/4 at 7:07pm like 77 and was updated on 12/5 at 3:12am like 3:3 or 33. And notice the kids were 8 and 11 years old.
From 8/11/2019 to 12/1/2019 is 113 days.
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