11/18/2019 Minnesota Twins prospect dies in Auckland, New Zealand. He was 23 years old and supposedly died of “natural causes” and played in 108 games in 2019.
Geometry=108. Gematria is geometry within language.

11/18/2019 is the 322 day of the year and has date numerology of 68, 41, 23, 29, 43. How fitting that he dies at age 23 on 23 date numerology.

68 is a major death number, caskets go 6ft deep and are 8ft long.
Auckland Tuatara=41. Costello went to play for the Auckland Tuatara’s.

(This is a Tuatara in case you're wondering, a lizard that dates back millions of years)

Skull And Bones=41 and their big number is 322.

Abrahamic Religions=322. (Christianity, Judaism, Islam).

Ancient Mystery Religions=322. (Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Alchemy).

We just had the major Skull And Bones ritualistic 115th World Series.
Costello=29, 43, 115.

Masonic=29, 43, 115.

Killing=43, 115.

Tuatara=19 and he died 19 days after the 115th World Series ended on 10/30.

Ryan Costello=159, 165. He was born on June 13th which is 159 days before he died.

Scottish Rite=159, 165.

From George H. W. Bush’s birthday on 6/12 to 11/18 is 159 days. Both Bush presidents were Skull And Bones.

Auckland=22. The 115th World Series began on October 22nd.


Bush=22, he was the 41st president and a member of Skull And Bones for another 41 connection.

Natural Causes=38.








Don’t forget the New Zealand Mosque shooting on the Ides of March on 3/15/2019 and from 11/18/2019 to the Next Ides of March is 118 days.



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