Today is 9/26/2019 and while the media is putting out all the stories about Trump and impeachment we get a story about Trump coming to visit the Target Center in Minneapolis on 10/10/2019.

9/26 is 104 days after Trumps 6/14 birthday. Joker movie releases on 10/4.

President Donald Trump=104.

9/26/2019 has date numerology of 47, 29 and leaves 96 days left in the year.

Trump=29, 47.

Keep America Great=96.


10/10 is 14 days after 9/26 or a full span of 15, 47 is the 15th prime number. 

10/10/2019 has 14 date numerology.



Target Center=55, 71.


October Tenth=55, 62, 71.

Minneapolis=55, 62, 64, 170.

Sacrifice=55, 62, 170.

Impeachment=55, 64.


10/10 is 118 days after Trumps birthday on 6/14 or a full span of 119 days.



10/10 is 60 days after 8/11 or a full span of 61.

Donald Trump=60.


10/10 is the day leaving 283 days left in the year, 283 is the 61st prime number.

10/10 leaves 82 days left in the year.
Ritual Sacrifice=82.

From Minnesota governor Tim Walz’ birthday on 4/6 to 10/10 is 187 days and not only is 187 the homicide number…

Society of Jesus=187.

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=187.

Both Donald Trump and Tim Walz had a brother die at age 43. Walz/Wall???


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