Today is 9/17/2019 and there was a bomb threat at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota.
9/17/2019 is the 260th day of the year leaving 105 days left in the year with 26, 38, 45 date numerology.

St. Paul, Minnesota=89, 206. 


St. Paul=26, 89.

Chaos=26, 89.

St. Thomas=101 the 26th prime number.



University of St. Thomas=91 the 13th triangular number.

Bomb Threat=41 the 13th prime number. Tim Walz is the 41st governor of Minnesota.

September 17th can be written 17/9 like 179 the 41st prime number.


Four=60. Four buildings were evacuated.


Police=60. Who do you think called in the threat?


9/17/2019 is 202 days before Minnesota governor Tim Walz birthday. 202 is like 22.


Timothy James Walz=220 like 22.

Timothy Walz=55.

St. Paul, Minnesota=55.

Walz=19, 46.

Chaos=19, 46.

According to the article this is the third bomb threat at UST this year and just like I predicted on 10/2/2018, Tim Walz would be the next governor of Minnesota, I also said there would be plenty of chaos to accompany his term in office.



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