Today is 8/27/2019, the 239th day of the year and 74 days after Trumps birthday and a day with 74, 47, 29, 54 date numerology. 


Jesuit Order=54.

239 is the 52nd prime number.

President=47, 52.

Government=47, 52.

Trump=47, 29, 25.

CNN is updating the Dow at 1:59 and it’s -58.25.

Donald Trump=159.

Scottish Rite=159.

Trump was given the 58th presidential election.

The Dow is down -0.22% and 22 is the master builder number.
It’s just a matter of time before the house of cards comes down and causes a major recession.
House of Cards=587 the 107th primes number.



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