On 7/24/2019 there was a bridge collapse in Northwood, North Dakota which is in Grand Forks County. A semi truck carrying 42 tons collapsed the bridge which was rated for 14 tons and the trucks owner, Shane Olson was fined $11,400. What most important is that this bridge was built in 1906, the same year as the major earthquake that struck San Francisco.

A 42 ton truck on a 14 ton capacity bridge?
Forty-Two=142 and 8/11 leaves 142 days left in the year.

Northwood, North Dakota? NORTHWOOD? Like Operation Northwoods?
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7/24/2019 has date numerology of 70, 50, 25.
Donald Trump was 70 years old when he was put into office.
Grand Forks=50.
San Francisco=50.

From 7/24 to 8/11 is 18 days, or a full span of 19.
Chaos=19. Here we are in 2019. The 19th degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry is Grand Pontiff and Pontiff means bridge builder.
ND=18 which is the reverse of 81.
Golden Gate Bridge=81.
The San Andreas Fault runs 810 miles.

From the date of the 1906 earthquake on 4/18/1906 to 8/10/2019 is 113 years 114 days or from 4/18/1906 to 8/11/2019 is 113 years, 115 days.
Grand Forks=113. The driver was cited $11,400 like 114.

From 4/18/1906 to 7/24/2019 is 113 years 107 days.

8/11/2019 has date numerology of 58 and is 58 days after Trumps birthday on 6/14. And of course Trump was given the 58th presidential election and so much more.
Solomon’s Temple=58.
Herod’s Temple=58.
Third Temple=58.
Grand Forks=58.
Shane Olson=58, 122, 148.
San Francisco=68, 76, 122.
Donald J. Trump=68, 148.
Donald John Trump=68, 76, 85.
Grand Forks County=76, 85, 221 the reverse of 122.

Northwood, North Dakota=101, 119. Highway 101 goes across the Golden Gate Bridge.
Donald=119 the reverse of 911.
Tisha B’Av=911.

Grand Forks, North Dakota has a twin city on the other side of the border in Minnesota called East Grand Forks and northern Minnesota is referred to as the Iron Range, like how this was a wood and iron bridge. No wonder Trump has mentioned twice in speeches he gave in Minnesota that they’re bringing the steel industry back to Minnesota.
Iron Range=101, 142.
8/11/2019 is the day leaving 142 days left in the year.
East Grand Forks=77, 85, 158, 220.
Think of all the 77’s with 9/11.
Donald John Trump=85, 220.

Northwood, ND=60, 48, 147.
Donald Trump=60, 48.
President of The United States=147, 114 like the citation of $11,400 the semi truck driver received.
Northwood=48, 111.
9/11/2001, the day leaving 111 days left in the year.
New York=111.

ND=9, 36, 44.
“Looin’ Good Number 9, Lookin’ Good”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTre3_iaZKo

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake happened at 5:12am which is the 312 minute of the day. 312 backwards is 213 and they say a foreshock  preceded the initial sock by 20 to 25 seconds.
Death=20, 25, 213.
The 1906 earthquake was speculated as being a 7.9 but some say it was a 7.7 up to an 8.3.
Murder=79, 83.


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