Actor Rip Torn died Tuesday, 7/9/2019 at age 88.

7/9/2019 has date numerology of 55, 28.



He was born Elmore Rual Torn Jr. on 2/6/1931.
From 2/6 to 7/9 is 154 days or 22 weeks exactly.

Ritual Sacrifice=154, 251 the 54th prime number.

Elmore Torn=54.

Jesuit Order=54.

Torn=22, 67.

Blood Sacrifice=67.

He died at age 88, a number having to do with time.

Rip Torn=47, 43, 79.

Rip=43, 38.

Masonic=43, 38.

Killing=43, 38.


Murder=79 and of course he died on 7/9.

His death is being announced on 7/10/2019, the 191st day of the year.
191 is the 43rd prime number.

Elmore Rual Torn=191, 187, 83. 187 is the police code for homicide and a huge number to the Jesuits.



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