Today is 6/18/2019 and Donald Trump has launched his 2020 presidential campaign in Orlando Florida. This is an interesting day because on 6/18/2016 during Trump first campaign there was the first supposed assassination attempt on Trump at the Mystère Theater, Treasure Island Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada. And the supposed assassin was Michael Steven Sandford. This also looks to be syncing up with 8/11/2019, Tisha B’Av, the big date we’re watching out for.

6/18 can be written 18/6 like 186.
John Wilkes Booth=186. Lincoln was killed in Fords Theater and Trumps attempt was at Mystère Theater by a guy name SandFORD? JFK was in a FOrd convertable when he was host as well.

Sirhan Sirhan=186.

George H. W. Bush=186 and many believe he took the fatal shot on JFK, he also gave his New World Order speech 11 years to the day before 9/11/2001.

6/18/2019 is the 169th day of the year and has date numerology of 36, 27, 43.

The 36th triangular number is 666 and from today to 8/11 is 55 days.



Sandford=36, 45. Trump is the 45th president.

Bridge=36, 45.

Ritual=27, 45.





Being the 169th day of the year, 13 is the square root of 169 and 91 is the 13th triangular number.

Michael Steven Sandford=91, 109, 116 which is 911 upside down.


Tisha B’Av=911.

Two Thousand Nineteen=911.

From 6/18 to 8/11 is also 7 weeks 6 days like 76.
Blood Sacrifice=76.

Donlad John Trump=76, 68.

San Francisco=76, 68.

Trump is launching his campaign out of Orlando Florida.
Orlando Florida=81.

Golden Gate Bridge=81.



Orlando, Florida=415 which is the area code for San Francisco.

Al Aqsa Mosque=628. And from the burning on Notre Dame's Cathedral and the Al Aqsa Mosque on 4/15/2019 to 8/11 is 118 days.

Orlando=34, 38, 79, 110.

Murder=34, 38, 79.



Michael Sandford=69, 93.

John Wilkes Booth=69, 75, 93.

George H. W. Bush=66, 69, 75, 138.

Sirhan Sirhan=66, 138.

Donald Trump=138, 60.

As for the place where Trumps supposed assassination attempt took place….
Mystère Theater=60.

Mystère Theater, Treasure Island Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada=220.

Donald John Trump=220. 8/11/2019 has 22 date numerology, 8+1+1+2+0+1+9=22.

New World Order=75, 174, 177.

Mystère Theater=75, 174, 177.

Mystère Theater, Treasure Island Hotel and Casino=177, 213, 624, the first Masonic lodge open in 1717 on 6/24.


Theater=77, 112.

Zionist=77, 112.

Judaism=77, 112.

Mystère=28, 37, 62, 100.

Tisha B’Av=28, 37, 53, 62.

False Jews=28, 53, 100.

From 6/18/2019 to the date of the election on 11/3/2020 is 504 days.

Jesuit Order=54

From 8/11/2019 to 11/3/2020 is 450 days. Trump is the 45th president.

This whole riddle with 8/11/2019 just keeps on getting more and more interesting by the day. If nothing happens on the weekend of Tisha B’Av I’ll be the most surprised person on the planet.


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