Last night on 6/7/2019 Hillary Clintons brother Tony Rodham died.

The date of his death can be written 6/7 or 7/6.
Blood Sacrifice=67, 76.

6/7/2019 has date numerology of 52.

Tony Rodham=47, 52, 137 the 33rd prime number.

Government=47, 52, 137.

President=47, 52.


He was born in 1954, the exact date is unknown but that puts him at 64 or 65 but mostly likely 65 and just before he turns 66 years old.

Thirty-Three=66, 141, 156.

From 6/7 to Hilary’s birthday on 10/26 is 141 days.

Anthony Rodham=66, 156.

Anthony Dean Rodham=81.



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