Back in 2007 on May 22nd KRS-One and Marley Marl
put out a song called Kill A Rapper.
Case is still open on Scott La Rock?
Case is still open on Scott La Rock?
5/22/2007 is the 142nd day of the year leaving
223 days left and has numerology of 34, 36, 54.
Forty-Two=142. And we know how they love to stamp 42 all
over black people.
DJ Scott La Rock=151 the 36th prime number.
Kris Parker=54 like the date numerology of 5/22/2007.
Kill A rapper=119, 70.
Scott La Rock=70 and he was KRS-Ones right hand man back in
the 80’s who was shot and killed in 1987.
Fraternal Order of Police=119.
All Seeing Eye=119. And of course they have the all seeing
eyes and Masonic handshake on their logo.
Scott La Rock was born 4/28/1962, the 118th days
of the year.
Marley Marl=118, 46, 62 and he’s on the song Kill A Rapper
with KRS-One.
Sacrifice=46, 62.
Scott La Rock died on 8/27/1987, the 239th days
of the year and a date with 42, 60, 141, 122 date numerology. Once again 42 is stamped all over black people with the date numerology and Gematria.
239 the 52nd prime number.
DJ Scott La Rock=52, 83, 43.
137 is the 33rd prime.
Scott La Rock=137.
From Scott la Rocks birthday in the year he died 4/28/1987
to the release of the song Kill A Rapper on 5/22/2007 is 20 years 25 days.
From 4/28/1962 to 8/27/1987 is 25 years 122 days. 8/27/1987
has 122 date numerology.
Death=20, 25.
Time=20, 25, 144. Saturn is the keeper of time.
Kris Parker=144.
Saturn=69, 42.
Lawrence Parker=69, 228.
88 connects with time as well, 88 being 4 circles with 360
degrees in each circle and 360x4=1440 like 144.
Rapper=88, 38.
Scott La Rock=38.
Scott La Rock’s full name is Scott Monroe Sterling.
Scott Monroe Sterling=90, 108.
Lawrence Kris Parker=90.
Scott Sterling=55, 73, 80, 181 the 42nd prime
number, back to 42 again.
Sacrifice=55, 73.
From Scots La Rocks birthday on 4/28 to KRS-One’s birthday
on 8/20 is 115 days.
From the release of the song Kill A Rapper on 5/22 to Scott
La Rocks birthday on 8/27 is 97 days. 97 is the 25th prime number.
Death=97, 25.
So if you wan to get away with murder, I guess you just need
to talk to the honorary 33rd degree Mason KRS-One who just flat out
lies and says that Masons are righteous people.
Case closed?
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