Today is 3/30/2019, the 89th day of the year and
a perfect day for some chaos in the headlines.
Chaos=89, 26.
Adam=89, 26 (supposedly Adam Lanza killed 26 people in Sandy
And today we have CNN bringing up Adam Lanza and Sandy Hook,
as well as 9/11 and other false flag events.
CNN has Alex Jones saying a ‘form of psychosis’ made him
think Sandy Hook and other events are staged.
Form of Psychosis=73, 80, 82, 107, 206.
Adam Lanza=73.
Ritual Sacrifice=73, 82, 107, 251 the 54th prime.
Tragedy=80. The only tragedy with Sandy Hook or these other
events is that people actually believe the “official” story.
Sacrifice=73, 206.
Military=107, 44.
Shooting=107, 44.
All this of course is being put out to make anyone who
questions the government seem like a person with mental health issues.
Mental health=119.
Master Plan=119.
How could anyone have mental health issues for questioning
something like Adam Lanza being 6ft tall and only weighing 112lbs?
Sandy Hook=112.
Lanza=18, 27, 81.
Stooge=27, 81.
Patsy=18, 27, 81.
Ritual=27, 81.
Jones=18, 27.
Alex Jones has two ways of spelling his middle name
according to Wikipedia.
Alexander Emric Jones and Alexander Emerick Jones.
Alex jones=33, 42, 48, 105, 138, 1111.
Today is 3/30 like 33, a perfect day for this Alex Jones
Masonry=33, 42, 105.
Secrecy=33, 42, 111.
Flase Flag=33, 42, 48.
Alex Jones was born on 2/11 the 42nd day of the
Freemason=42, 48.
2/11 is the 47th prime number.
Mental health=47.
Master Plan=47.
Federal=33, 138.
Donald Trump=48, 138. No wonder why Jones supports Trump so
Alexander Emric Jones=111. Plenty of 11’s to go with his
name and for him to sync with 9/11.
Alexander Emerick Jones=211 like him being born on 2/11.
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